An overview of weed varieties

An overview of weed varieties

Gepubliceerd: 17.01.2024 (Bijgewerkt: 17.01.2024)
Leestijd: Min.
Dr. Harald Stephan
Dr. rer. medic. Harald Stephan

The world of cannabis is vast and varied, with a rich array of strains to suit different needs and preferences. Whether you are a seasoned cannabis connoisseur or a novice looking to recognize and learn about the different weed strains; understanding the different strains can greatly enhance your appreciation. In this comprehensive guide, we'll take a journey through the diverse landscape of cannabis strains, highlighting their unique characteristics and benefits. Among other things, we'll clarify the often-discussed difference between sativa vs. indica. And, as always, we'll highlight how Lucky Hemp®'s premium offerings fit into this fascinating world.

Cannabis Sativa:

Originating from Central and South America, Cannabis Sativa strains are known for their uplifting and stimulating effects. They typically have a taller growth pattern with thin leaves. Sativas are often recommended for daytime use as they can improve creativity, focus and mood.

Cannabis Indica:

Indica strains, native to the mountainous regions of India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, are the exact opposite of sativas. They are known for their relaxing and calming effects, making them perfect for evening consumption. Physically, they are shorter and bushier than sativas, with wider leaves.

Cannabis Ruderalis:

The often overlooked Ruderalis is a wild strain native to Russia. Due to its low THC content, it is not usually consumed, but it plays a crucial role in the production of autoflowering strains.

Hybrid weed strains: the best of both worlds?

With the growing demand for customized cannabis experiences, breeders have experimented with crossing different strains, resulting in the creation of hybrids. Hybrids can be sativa or indica dominant, or offer a balanced mix of both. They have been developed to achieve specific effects by combining the best characteristics of their parent strains.

Hybrids: The artful blend of cannabis genetics

Hybrids occupy a special place in the wide world of cannabis. They represent the innovative spirit of breeders, the desire to combine the best of both worlds, and the evolution of cannabis to meet the diverse needs of consumers. But what exactly are hybrids and why have they become so popular in the cannabis community? Let's dive deep into the realm of hybrid cannabis strains.

What are hybrid cannabis strains?

Hybrids are, as the name suggests, a mixture of different cannabis strains. They are bred by crossing two or more varieties of cannabis plants, usually from the primary families of sativa, indica and occasionally ruderalis. The aim is to combine the desired characteristics of the parent strains in one plant, resulting in a unique blend of effects, flavors and growth characteristics.

The creation of hybrids

The creation of hybrid varieties is not a new phenomenon. For centuries, farmers and breeders have been crossing plants to improve certain traits, whether to increase yield, increase resistance to pests or achieve unique flavors. In the context of cannabis, the drive to develop hybrids has been fueled by several factors:

  1. multiple effects: By combining sativa and indica strains, breeders wanted to create strains that offered a balanced high, combining the uplifting effects of sativas with the relaxing effects of indicas.
  2. growth characteristics: Hybrids can be bred to inherit the best growth traits of their parent strains, such as resistance to mold, shorter flowering times or higher yields.
  3. taste and aroma: The crossing process enables the fusion of terpene profiles of different strains, resulting in a diverse spectrum of flavors and aromas.

Types of hybrids

Hybrids can be roughly divided into different categories based on their dominant genetics:

Sativa-dominant hybrids: These strains are more sativa-dominant and provide a stimulating and cerebral effect, while also exhibiting some of the relaxing properties of indicas.

Indica-dominant hybrids: With a higher indica influence, these strains are more relaxing and sedating, making them suitable for evening consumption or relaxation. However, they can still provide some of the uplifting effects of sativas.

Balanced hybrids: These strains aim for a 50/50 balance between sativa and indica genetics, offering a harmonious blend of effects.

The importance of hybrids in modern cannabis culture

Hybrids play a central role in today's cannabis market. With the growing demand for customized cannabis experiences, hybrids offer the flexibility to cater to specific needs, whether for medicinal or recreational use. They represent the adaptability of the cannabis plant and the endless possibilities it offers.

Hybrids also allow for a more personalized cannabis experience. Consumers can choose strains according to the desired effects, be it for a creativity boost, to relax after a long day or for a balanced state of mind.

Terpenes: nature's aromatic powerhouses in cannabis

Terpenes are a buzzword in the cannabis community, and for good reason. These aromatic compounds are responsible for the different scents and flavors of different cannabis strains. But their role goes beyond just aroma; terpenes play a crucial role in influencing the overall effects of cannabis and contribute to the plant's therapeutic properties. Let's delve deeper into the world of terpenes and understand their importance.

What are terpenes?

Terpene sind organische Verbindungen, die in einer Vielzahl von Pflanzen vorkommen, nicht nur in Hanfpflanzen Arten. Sie verleihen Lavendel seinen beruhigenden Duft, Zitrusfrüchten ihr würziges Aroma und Kiefern ihren erfrischenden Geruch. Im Zusammenhang mit Cannabis werden Terpene in denselben Drüsen ausgeschieden, die Cannabinoide wie THC und CBD produzieren. Es sind organische Verbindungen, die hauptsächlich in Pflanzen vorkommen und für deren charakteristische Aromen und Düfte verantwortlich sind. Sie sind die Hauptbestandteile von ätherischen Ölen und spielen eine wichtige Rolle in der traditionellen pflanzlichen Medizin. Chemisch gesehen sind Terpene Kohlenwasserstoffe, die aus Isopren-Einheiten (C5H8) aufgebaut sind. Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Terpenen, und sie können in Mono-, Sesqui-, Di-, Tri- und Tetraterpene unterteilt werden, je nachdem, wie viele Isopren-Einheiten sie enthalten. Neben ihren aromatischen Eigenschaften haben einige Terpene auch biologische Aktivitäten gezeigt, die potenzielle therapeutische Anwendungen in der Medizin haben könnten. In jüngster Zeit haben Studien insbesondere das Interesse an den Terpenen von Hanfsorten sativa geweckt, da sie synergistische Effekte mit Cannabinoiden haben können und zur Gesamtwirkung der Pflanze beitragen. Terpene sind nicht nur für den Duft und Geschmack von Pflanzen verantwortlich, sondern haben auch eine Reihe von ökologischen Funktionen. Sie können als Abwehrmittel gegen herbivore Insekten dienen, die Reproduktion von Pflanzenfressern stören oder als Lockstoffe für Bestäuber und andere Tiere, die bei der Fortpflanzung der Pflanze helfen, wirken. Einige Terpene haben antimikrobielle Eigenschaften und schützen die Pflanze vor pathogenen Mikroorganismen.

Terpenes are being studied in the pharmaceutical industry for their diverse biological activities. Some have shown anti-inflammatory, analgesic and even anti-tumor properties. Limonene, a common terpene in citrus fruits, for example, has been shown to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Another terpene, beta-caryophyllene, found in black pepper, oregano and other herbs, binds to cannabinoid receptors in the body and has analgesic properties.

The diversity and complexity of terpenes in nature is impressive, and their potential applications in medicine, agriculture and other fields are an active area of research. Future studies are expected to reveal even more about the diverse functions and benefits of these fascinating molecules.

The role of terpenes in cannabis

While terpenes are primarily known for their aromatic properties, their importance in cannabis goes much further:

  1. Therapeutic properties: terpenes have been studied for their potential therapeutic benefits. Linalool, for example, which is commonly found in lavender and some cannabis strains, can have a calming and anxiolytic effect. Meanwhile, pinene, with its pine-like aroma, could act as an anti-inflammatory.
  2. The entourage effect: In cannabis research, there is a theory known as the "entourage effect". It states that cannabinoids such as THC and CBD can have a stronger therapeutic effect in combination with terpenes than when they act alone.
  3. Strain differentiation: Terpenes are an important factor in differentiating the effects and aromas of different cannabis strains. For example, strains with a high myrcene content, which has an earthy aroma, can be more relaxing, while lime-rich strains with a citrusy scent can be more uplifting.

Common terpenes in weed strains

While there are over 100 terpenes in cannabis, some are more prevalent than others:

  • Myrcene: Known for its earthy and musky aroma, myrcene is the most common terpene in cannabis. It can have a sedative effect and is commonly found in indica strains.
  • Limonene: With its refreshing citrus scent, limonene is said to elevate mood and relieve stress. It is often found in sativa strains.
  • Linalool: Recognizable by its floral aroma, linalool may have a calming effect, possibly contributing to relaxation and stress relief.
  • Pinene: As the name suggests, pinene has a pine-like aroma. It could act as a bronchodilator and help with conditions such as asthma.
  • Caryophyllene: With its spicy, peppery aroma, caryophyllene is unique in that it can also bind to cannabinoid receptors in the body. It may have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.

How many weed strains are there?

To answer the question: How many cannabis strains are there, we first need to talk about the basic types. The most commonly discussed and cultivated species are Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica and Cannabis ruderalis. Each of these species has a variety of strains and varieties that differ in their active ingredient content, growth characteristics and effects. It is estimated that there are around 20,000 cultivated cannabis strains today, most of which are hybrids between different varieties. These strains have been developed by breeders around the world to meet specific flavors, aromas, effects and growing requirements. The most popular strains are as follows:

Cannabis Indica:

  • Ice Cream Cake: This strain has a THC content of 22% and a CBG content of 1%. It is known for its relaxing effects and has an aroma dominated by caryophyllene.
  • The Original Z (also known as Zkittlez, Skittlz, Island Zkittlez): With a THC content of 20% and a CBG content of 1%, this strain is known for its relaxing effects and also has a caryophyllene aroma.

Cannabis Sativa:

  • Sour Diesel (also known as Sour D, Sour Deez): This strain has a THC content of 19%. It is known for its energizing effects and has a caryophyllene aroma.

There are also many hybrid strains that have a mix of indica and sativa characteristics. Some of the most popular hybrids are Wedding Cake, GG4 (Gorilla Glue), Runtz and Gelato. It is important to note that the effects and THC levels can vary depending on how it is grown and processed. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with the specific strains and their properties before using cannabis.

The premium weed strains from Lucky Hemp®

At LuckyHemp, we pride ourselves on offering a curated selection of the best cannabis strains. Our products are: Natural and pure: We believe in the power of nature and ensure that our products are free from harmful additives. Diverse: From energizing sativas to relaxing indicas, our range offers something for every preference. High quality: Our commitment to quality is unwavering, so you only ever get the best. Award-winning: Our commitment has been recognized with awards such as the Jack Herer Cup. Reliable: As Germany's number one hemp brand, our reputation speaks for itself.

In conclusion

The world of cannabis is as diverse as it is fascinating. From the stimulating effects of all marijuana strains, such as Cannabis Sativa, to the relaxing embrace of Cannabis Indica strains, there is a strain for every occasion. Let LuckyHemp be your trusted companion as you explore this rich landscape, offering premium products that excel in quality and potency.

Dr. Harald Stephan
Dr. rer. medic. Harald Stephan
Gediplomeerd bioloog, medisch informatieverwerker en doctor in de gezondheidswetenschappen
Over de auteur

Na zijn studie in Saarbrücken werkte dr. Harald Stephan in onderzoek en onderwijs aan de universiteiten van Marburg en Bochum en in het academisch ziekenhuis in Essen, voordat hij in 2016 zelfstandig publicist werd. Het verwerven en doorgeven van kennis ziet hij als zijn levenswerk.

Naast zijn publicaties over celbiologie en tumoronderzoek in gerenommeerde vaktijdschriften zijn honderden van zijn artikelen over gezondheidsthema's op internet te vinden. Daarin geeft hij uitleg over de oorzaken van ziekten, laboratoriumwaarden, diagnoses en traditionele en nieuwe therapiemogelijkheden.